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Register for events, seminars and other activities offered by the various ministries around the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Event registrations sold through this site are handled by their respective ministries.
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Changing Seasons-Scripture Readings of the Liturgical Year-Cycle C
hosted by Catholic Bible Institute and Instituto Biblico Católico with the Office for Divine Worship
AMS - ThS 109 Moral Theology - April 2025
This course is offered to accepted students in the Advanced Ministry Studies program. And also serves as formal ongoing formation to any person serving in any ministry in the Church. E.g.: Pastors, Deacons, Master Catechists, Parish Catechetical Leaders, etc. Ongoing Formation fee $25.00
AMS - CH 110 Liturgy, Sacramentality and Sacraments - May 2025
This course is offered to accepted students in the Advanced Ministry Studies program. And also serves as formal ongoing formation to any person serving in any ministry in the Church. E.g.: Pastors, Deacons, Master Catechists, Parish Catechetical Leaders, etc. Ongoing Formation fee $25.00
AMS - CH 111 Catholic Social Teaching - June 2025
This course is offered to accepted students in the Advanced Ministry Studies program. And also serves as formal ongoing formation to any person serving in any ministry in the Church. E.g.: Pastors, Deacons, Master Catechists, Parish Catechetical Leaders, etc. Ongoing Formation fee $25.00
Called & Gifted
Step One
What you will learn from the initial workshop:
- The ancient teachings of the Church on how the charisms of the Holy Spirit work in your life and in the life of your parish community
- The five steps of discerning the charisms that God has given you
- The signs and characteristics of 23 of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit
- How discerning your charisms can change your life
- How discerning your charisms can change the world and help spread the Gospel
- How discerning and using our charisms together can help transform and renew our parishes
Step Two
ONE-ON-ONE DISCERNMENT INTERVIEW: Scheduled after completion of online study.
- Is a 1-hour gifts interview with a trained interviewer. Your interviewer will help you sift through your inventory results and determine where to start your discernment.
Step Three
- This six-to eight-week guided experience of intentional discernment can be done as a group or on your own.
IBCP1- L Liturgia y Palabra De Dios
Año 2024 - 2025 Un servicio de colaboracion entre el Instituto Biblico Católico, el Catholic Bible Institute y la Oficina de Culto Divino
Curso Bíblico Avanzado Objetivo: Profundizar el estudio de las Sagradas Escrituras ubicándole en su contexto histórico-cultural y su mensaje teológico
Curso Bíblico Avanzado Objetivo: Profundizar el estudio de las Sagradas Escrituras ubicándole en su contexto histórico-cultural y su mensaje teológico
ORE-IBCP1- E8 Resurrección de Jesús y antropología Paulina
Año 2024 - 2025 Especialización en antropología bíblica y madurez humana-cristiana
Curso Bíblico Intermedio Año 2024-2025 El programa Intermedio del Instituto Bíblico Católico tiene como meta principal: Conocer los fundamentos histórico-literarios para hacer una lectura cristiana, consciente, atenta y productiva de la Sagrada Escritura como Palabra de Dios viva y actual. Este curso también se ubica como un avance de la iniciación bíblica básica y una preparación para los cursos avanzados.
ORE-IBCP1-I SJ 9. Las Razones de la Esperanza Cristiana
Curso Bíblico Medio Año 2024-2025 El programa Intermedio del Instituto Bíblico Católico tiene como meta principal: Conocer los fundamentos histórico-literarios para hacer una lectura cristiana, consciente, atenta y productiva de la Sagrada Escritura como Palabra de Dios viva y actual. Este curso también se ubica como un avance de la iniciación bíblica básica y una preparación para los cursos avanzados.
OMOF Cohort 11 - Summer 2025
One Mission One Faith — OMOF consists of five units, each unit is structured with two to seven sessions. The formation is through a hybrid online format. A combination of Zoom and Online sessions, modeling discipleship, accompaniment and forming online community. There are Zoom teaching and integration meetings sessions. The self pace online sessions run for one week each, each participant works on their own schedule of the scheduled online weeks.
Vision and Skills for Faith Formation - Cohort 7
VSFF is an 8-week training opportunity for anyone involved in Faith formation programs in their parish. It will equip leaders with the knowledge and skills to be witnesses of the faith and to accompany those they serve (adults, families, young adults, youth, and children) in their journey of missionary discipleship with adult faith formation at the center.
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