Called & Gifted in Person March 2025


Step One 

What you will learn from the initial workshop:

  • The ancient teachings of the Church on how the charisms of the Holy Spirit work in your life and in the life of your parish community
  • The five steps of discerning the charisms that God has given you
  • The signs and characteristics of 23 of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit
  • How discerning your charisms can change your life
  • How discerning your charisms can change the world and help spread the Gospel
  • How discerning and using our charisms together can help transform and renew our parishes

Step Two
ONE-ON-ONE DISCERNMENT INTERVIEW: Scheduled after completion of in person course.

  • Is a 1-hour gifts interview with a trained interviewer. Your interviewer will help you sift through your inventory results and determine where to start your discernment. Note: the cost for the gifts interview is a separate charge that is arranged and paid directly to Catherine of Siena Institute. We will provide you with a code so you can receive a special lower rate.


Step Three

  • This six-to eight-week guided experience of intentional discernment can be done as a group or on your own.

Please Provide Registrant's Email Address


    Cost for Called & Gifted is:  $ 45*

    *$45 covers the costs for the in person workshop, resource material, six month access to the learning platform and the small group process.  The one-on-one gifts interview is a separate charge and is paid directly to Catherine of Siena Institute when you schedule your interview.  You will receive a code to receive a special lower rate of $35 for the gifts interview.

    Part 1:  Called & Gifted Workshop

    Location:  Padre Serra Church - Parish Hall

    5205 Upland Rd., Camarillo, CA  93012 

    Saturday, March 1, 2025:   9am-3:45pm (in person)

    Sunday, March 2, 2025:   9am – 2:30pm (in person)


    Part 2:  Gifts Interview

    1 on 1 with trained interviewer - to be schedule at your convenience between

    March 3 – March 23, 2025


    Part 3:  Small Group Discernment Process on Zoom

    Join a small group process where you can share your experience exploring your charisms and receive feedback and from your peers.  You will also have the chance to hear others experience with their charisms and share your feedback.

    Monday Evenings: 6:30pm – 8:30pm (March 24, April 7 & April 28, 2025) or

    Tuesday Mornings:  10am-12pm (March 25, April 8 & May 6, 2025)


    For more information please contact:

    Bobby Vidal - Director -

    Katie Tassinari - Associate Director -

    Gina Vides - Associate Director - (Spanish Speaking)

    Eddie Perez - Evangelization Coordinator (Spanish) - 

    Anitra Gil - Coordinator -