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This course is offered to accepted students in the Advanced Ministry studies porgram. It serves as well as an opportunbity for ongoing formation to Master Catechists and Parish Catechetical Leaders.
One Mission One Faith — OMOF consists of five units, each unit is structured with two to seven sessions. The formation is through a hybrid online format. A combination of Zoom and Online sessions, modeling discipleship, accompaniment and forming online community. There are Zoom teaching and integration meetings sessions. The self pace online sessions run for one week each, each participant works on their own schedule of the scheduled online weeks.
One Mission One Faith — OMOF consists of five units, each unit is structured with two to seven sessions. The formation is through a hybrid online format. A combination of Zoom and Online sessions, modeling accompaniment and forming online community. There are Zoom meetings for teaching and integration sessions. The online sessions run for one week each and are asynchronous, meaning you participate on your own schedule on the scheduled online weeks.
Curso Bíblico Medio Año 2023-2024 Objetivo General: El Curso Bíblico Intermedio es un requisito académico para todas aquellas personas que se han terminado el Curso Bíblico Básico y que persiguen como objetivo el continuar sus estudios en un Curso Bíblico Avanzado. La visión que éste plantea consiste en abordar temas fundamentales que son parte integral de un conocimiento necesario sobre la estructura interior de la Biblia y que no se cubren en el Curso Básico.
VSFF is an 8-week training opportunity for anyone involved in Faith formation programs in their parish. It will equip leaders with the knowledge and skills to be witnesses of the faith and to accompany those they serve (adults, families, young adults, youth, and children) in their journey of missionary discipleship with adult faith formation at the center.
Quo Vadis “Where are you going?”
June 18 - 21, 2024
St. Edward’s Retreat Camp
5701 Acorn Drive,
Wrightwood, CA 92397