Office of Religious Education

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The Catholic Bible Institute (CBI) Bible Study Leadership is a comprehensive, three-year Bible study process: Year One focuses on the Old Testament, Year Two on the New Testament, and a third year learning to facilitate Bible Faith Sharing/Study with a wide variety of communities that make up the Church. The goal of Bible Study Leadership is to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ and learn how to share that love with others. Bible Study Leadership is taught according to Catholic principles and connects the Word with life through prayer and conversation.


The Catholic Bible Institute (CBI) Bible Study Leadership is a comprehensive, three-year Bible study process: Year One focuses on the Old Testament, Year Two on the New Testament, and a third year learning to facilitate Bible Faith Sharing/Study with a wide variety of communities that make up the Church. The goal of Bible Study Leadership is to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ and learn how to share that love with others. Bible Study Leadership is taught according to Catholic principles and connects the Word with life through prayer and conversation.

The Catholic Bible Institute (CBI) The Art of Bible Facilitation introduces participants who have completed Years One and Two, to a variety of communities that make up our Church and provide a foundation of skills to facilitate study or faith sharing in a number of settings.

The Catholic Bible Institute (CBI) Bible Study Leadership is a comprehensive, three-year Bible study process: Year One focuses on the Old Testament, Year Two on the New Testament, and a third year learning to facilitate Bible Faith Sharing/Study with a wide variety of communities that make up the Church. The goal of Bible Study Leadership is to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ and learn how to share that love with others. Bible Study Leadership is taught according to Catholic principles and connects the Word with life through prayer and conversation.

Every three years graduates of CBI Bible Study Leadership are required to re-certify. Go to for the form and more information. Attending and participating in the ongoing sessions will fulfill the Bible recertification requirement. The Catholic Bible Institute (CBI) The Art of Bible Facilitation introduces participants who have completed Years One and Two, to a variety of communities that make up our Church and provide a foundation of skills to facilitate study or faith sharing in a number of settings.

The Catholic Bible Institute (CBI) Bible Study Leadership is a comprehensive, three-year Bible study process: Year One focuses on the Old Testament, Year Two on the New Testament, and a third year learning to facilitate Bible Faith Sharing/Study with a wide variety of communities that make up the Church. The goal of Bible Study Leadership is to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ and learn how to share that love with others. Bible Study Leadership is taught according to Catholic principles and connects the Word with life through prayer and conversation.

PROGRAMA DE INICIACIÓN A LA BIBLIA ANTIGUO Y NUEVO TESTAMENTO Objetivo: Iniciar a personas interesadas al conocimiento de las Escrituras como enriquecimiento espiritual, personal y como ayuda para sus ministerios.
PROGRAMA DE INICIACIÓN A LA BIBLIA NUEVO TESTAMENTO Objetivo: Iniciar a personas interesadas al conocimiento de las Escrituras como enriquecimiento espiritual, personal y como ayuda para sus ministerios.
Curso Bíblico Medio Año 2023-2024 Objetivo General: El Curso Bíblico Intermedio es un requisito académico para todas aquellas personas que se han terminado el Curso Bíblico Básico y que persiguen como objetivo el continuar sus estudios en un Curso Bíblico Avanzado. La visión que éste plantea consiste en abordar temas fundamentales que son parte integral de un conocimiento necesario sobre la estructura interior de la Biblia y que no se cubren en el Curso Básico.