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C3 Technology Conference 2016 Registration - Clergy Connect / Sister Connect

Open to parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, C3 Technology Conference 2016 seeks to provide high-quality professional development and training in all areas of technology integration.
SKU: C3TechConf2016CCSC

Registering five or more people from your location? Click here to access the discounted registration for parish/school locations in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.


Date & Location:
August 8 - 10th, 2016

Open to parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, C3 Technology Conference 2016 seeks to provide high-quality professional development and training in all areas of technology integration.


For detailed information, visit:
C3 Tech Conference 2016


If you are experiencing any difficulties or have any questions email Mackenzie at

